Tuesday, 22 January 2013



How to find out the personality of yourself.

Instructions: Draw a sun, a river, tree, snake and house. Do it on your own and make sure your drawing is not influenced by anyone or anything.

Draw before you read this part..!!!



The tree is your mother. if you draw a large tree, it means you idolize your mother/ look up on her. On the contrary, a tree that is levelled with the house means that you treat your mother as a close buddy.

 The house is you. Open windows and doors mean that you are open to the outside world while the opposite (closed) implies that you are not ready to accept everything 'unknown' or 'new. The design of the house, on the other hand, signifies your simplicity. The more complex the drawing is, the more complex you are.


The sun is your father. The distance of the sun respective of the house implies how close you are with him. A rising sun or a sun that is partly hidden behind a bunch of clouds means that you are not very open with each other. If you draw sunglasses, funky eyes, nose, smiling mouth etc. on the sun, perhaps your father is a fun and jolly person.


The river represents your friends. If it runs long and wide, you have a very rich library of friends. Again, the distance of the river with the house (you) determines your closeness with your friends.

The snake is your hardships and problems. If you put it away, that means the problems are far from you. If you put it on the house, the problem is in you; on the tree, in your mother; and so on...


  1. My house was on the top right of the page, the stream followed very long. The sun came peeping out through the tall and leafy tree and the snake was around the bottom of the tree. I find this to be true. I love my Mother and i do idolize her thats why i guess i drew my tree really big but between us we have had problematic behaviours around each other so the snake next to the tree is true. The tree was no way close to the house so i guess its true too i dont see my Mother as a buddy i see her as my one and only Mother. I also drew my sun really big but no goofy faces or sunglasses but it was poking out from behind a tree - no clouds so i dont know if that counts as what it said about not being too close to my Dad but it is true though im close to him but not very forthcoming. I drew a long river and maybe thats because im starting to mix in with simular likeminded friends

  2. Nope, didn't seem to work much. My house was on a hill in the distance with closed doors and smoking chimney and a stable attached. The sun was a simple "hazy" ball above and as far to the left as possible. The tree was to the right, mid way down, a bare silver birch with grass at its base. The river wound from the left, behind the hill the house sat on, and meandered to the foreground and off the page to the right. The snake was at the very front, sheltered by rocks and long grass. Its tail and head peeping out with a flicking tongue and a big smile. Hmm. I'm rather confused how to interpret this. The house has many windows but the door is shut. There is a fire in the hearth but no horse in the stable. I think I've gone for a ride on the far side of the hill and the house will be warm when we get back. On a hill....separate myself?!?! The sun is quite close, rather scribbled. I'm not close to my father. We communicate by written word only. The tree flumoxes me completely. Silver birch is my favourite tree. Its not close to the house. Its branches are bear. My mother died some time ago. She had many good qualities but was not a "warm" mother. We became closer a couple of years before she died. The river is more of a stream and is long, winding and continues out of sight both ends. I have no real friends. I have had one or two very close friends over the years but have latterly isolated myself and have none where I live now. The snake is pretty much as far from the house as possible. Its a happy snake. I have many or no hardships/problems depending on your perspective. I am unable to work so now live in benefits in a social housing property where I feel trapped and am generally very unhappy. I have a dog I adore and a secure roof over my head so I shouldn't complain. I can be very literal so if I'd been told "take as long as you like to draw the items" I possibly would have made a highly detailed drawing rather than a simple sketch. Or it could be that I'm pretty impatient and couldn't be bothered. A few of these "fun" tests can be very accurate and I imagine many can be made to "fit" any personality type. I'm probably just sick of analysing myself, but found this one rather obscure. Never hurts to have a go for fun though!

  3. Oops...that should be "bare" not "bear!"....very fond of bears so perhaps a subconscious sign I'd Luke one to be in my picture...haha. X

  4. One of my professor instructed me to draw a house where I opt to live comfortably, so I had shown my home design removing roof of the house , what do it mean about my idea. Could you inform me.

    1. The roof generally refers to intellectual aspects. So if the roof is completely gone or missing, it might mean you have a desire to live a simple life or lose some knowledge you have gained (ignorance is bliss). If the roof is being renovated, it might mean you are revising your personal philosophy. If the roof is glass or is simply hovering over the house, it may mean you are very open to the world (open book type of way, but also very welcome to hear ideas different then your own type of way).

  5. Rather than drawing land and placing everything on it I drew a giant snake and put everything on it. What does that say about me?

  6. What if the tree is smaller then the house?

  7. Someone did this test on me and never gave me an explaination about my drawing but this test really proves your family relationships

  8. what is the representation for husband or wife?

  9. Dude I just drew a fairly complex house, a sunset, and tiny little tree, a decent sized river, and for the snake I drew a whole sea serpent in the river 😂 overall the drawing is pretty detailed. But the odd thing is I'm not at all close with my family and I have a small amount of friends lol

  10. This is an INCREDIBLE test that I love to administer. Even if it is not accurate scientifically, the subconscious analysis can provoke a profound discussion. One of the most startling examples is a close friend's test, who often told me that he remembers having a rocky relationship with his mother during his childhood. He drew the snake AROUND the tree - incredible risk, very true. Another profound example is an old former friend, who has an extremely tight circle of 5 or so friends that speak in inside jokes and spend 10+ hours on a usual hangout session - they drew their river as a MOAT around the house!!! there are plenty more examples but those two stick out in my mind. These incredibly accurate risks show me that the test really is very significant.

  11. Very interesting. I was looking this exercise up to have my daughter do it. She is 7 and is on the spectrum. I thought it might be a good way to get insight into her emotions. I did this as a child with my therapist and it was spot on. I had drawn a house with all the windows blocked. The river and the sun were far away. The tree was the same height as the house and in front of everything with a massive snake coiled on it. Let's just say I am on a cocktail of PTSD medications as an adult as a result of the se****, mental, physical abuse suffered at the hands of my mother. Hopefully my daughters results will be more positive. Not an exact science but I truly believe in art therapy especially for children who are still developing the skills to express big and complex emotions.

  12. My name is Deb
    The house in my drawing is big and it faces the street. it has large, square windows. The doors are large and rectangular. The tree is next to the house and it is big and clean. The river is next to the house and it is wide and long. The sun is above the house and the tree.
